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Digital Marketing Audit

A digital marketing audit gives you insight into issues and opportunities with your current solar digital marketing activities.


The digital marketing audit includes coverage across all key solar digital markeeting channels, including SEO, social and paid advertising, as well as insight into what your key competitors are doing.

Digital Marketing Audit

The success of your solar  marketing relies on having the right mix of online channels in place - across Google, social and paid advertising.

What's covered in the audit?

Website, social and paid channels

The audit report includes :

  • Website SEO mini-audit
  • Competitor analysis
  • Social accounts review, including:
    • Facebook
    • Instagram
    • Twitter
    • LinkedIn
    • Check images, videos, comments, reviews
  • Paid channels review, including:
    • Google Ads
    • Facebook ads
    • Instagram ads
  • Google My Business profile review
  • SolarQuotes rating check
  • LG Energy profile
  • Email marketing
  • Ebook promotion - ebook content and site promotion
  • CEC accredited installer/retailer search
  • Overall score with insights and recommendations

Technical items

As part of the audit we review technical items related to your site.

The technical review includes:

  • Google Analytics setup
  • Google Tag Manager setup
  • Google Search Console setup
  • Google My Business setup

Recommendations Report

The audit delivers a simple, actionable list of items to implement, including areas to fix and opportunities to improve.

There's nothing worse than a long, overwhelming jargon-filled report that gets thrown into a bottom drawer and forgotten about.

Which is why we focus on highlighting just the top priority items that will drive the most return for your time.


Want to organise a Digital Marketing Audit for your solar business?

Book a discovery call

In the call we'll answer any questions you have, dig into your business to check if we're a fit, and demo how we work with you to grow your solar business.

Click here to schedule in your discovery call